Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ted Byfield - Getting It All Wrong

It must be hard for Ted Byfield these days, it seems like every time he opens his yap, he gets it wrong. Very wrong:

If a child can have three legal parents, how can we deny that the parents -- all three of them -- can be legally married?

Multiple parenthood will lead logically to multiple marriage.

No, Ted. You have it so wrong, it's painful. You haven't even bothered to read the judgement in question, or really consider the case before the courts, have you?

The "slippery slope" you are claiming we will descend uncontrollably towards as a result of this ruling is simply not even in the picture. Unlike you, most Canadians have awoke to the reality that there are more ways to constitute a family than the idealized model you advocate as being sacrosanct.

No, your "outrage" comes from two things - your horror that a lesbian couple is successfully raising a happy, well adjusted child, and your utter inability to consider the prospect that things have changed while you were busy beating on your bible.

Oh yes, it seems to me that this ruling very specifically was about the best interests of the of your pet arguments against SGM. So much for that argument, Ted.

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