Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Remember This Closed Door Meeting?

Back in September, there was there was a closed door meeting in Banff with an amazingly secretive list of attendees?

Well, it seems that Judicial Watch has managed to winkle some of the notes out of the US Government about that meeting here.

Read and shudder. (But let's not forget that Public Safety Minister Stockwell "Doris" Day was allegedly there - and refused to talk about it)

And, just to reinforce your confidence in our oh-so-open-and-honest government, Harper's appointed another croney to a government plum posting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Patrionage appointments? Say it isn't so! I cover my ears as I can not BELEIVE it of our esteemed Prime Minister, especially after all of those empty election promises and deals made behind firmly closed doors.

So, there was a meeting in Banff, and no doubt the taxpayers footed the cost. But remember, it's all in the name of good relations with our friends and neighbours to the south - they need a vacation too. And it was a working vacation, discussing the environment in the scenic setting of Banff - what could be better?

Ah, the environment and war, two topics that are very closely intertwined, it's hard to tell them apart! Oh, hold on, its the smokescreen of the environment that's obscuring the beating of the war drums.

The sound is haunting, like the war drums of old, a quiet clearing in the wilderness, meetings held in secret, deals made under the table with a ritualized handshake. The warlords have donned their face paint and danced around the conference table chanting the ancient words that will bring weath and prospertity to the elite few, and move the hands of the doomsday clock one more minute closer to midnight.

Now STOP it! You're frightening me!

“Archbishop Bannon” versus “Unelected President Musk”

 If you had any illusions about MAGA having taken on cult-like traits, you only need to read some of Bannon’s statements in this article . H...