Sunday, January 28, 2007

Right On Cue

I swear, it's possible to set a clock by the timing of the howling from the Right-Wing idiotsphere.

Via buckdog, I found Michael Coren's latest screed.

Generally, Coren's crap is more or less the intellectual equivalent of a McDonald's hamburger - mostly empty calories for the sofa-squash set. In fact, I've already pulled apart most of what Michael's whining about here, here, here and here.

However, take a close look at the following paragraph in Coren's rants, and then think back to what Stephen Harper said in the wake of the "failed" Gay Marriage debate motion last December:

Today it is John DiCicco or perhaps me. Tomorrow it could be you.

Do stand up for that which millions have fought and died.

Yes, Michael really does believe that there is a huge "gay conspiracy" to "suppress religious belief". I cannot even begin to describe how utterly brain dead that assertion is.

However, as I speculated here, this is yet another piece in the game of the religious right trying to plant the notion that "religious freedoms" are being unduly oppressed in Canada. While Landolt and REAL Women were first out of the gate, they are far from the last. I expect to see more of this kind of bleating as we move into the expected spring election.


leftdog said...

Sometimes I think that I should just put Coren out of my mind and simply never read his column again. Bht that certainly won't stop him from using his soap box in the Toronto Sun and on his radio show from spreading the nonsense that he spouts.

It's good to see that I am not alone in trying to counterbalance the schlock that this guy espouses.

MgS said...

Hmmm...I wouldn't use the term 'espouse' with Coren - that suggests some kind of caring and wisdom in his endeavor - personally I think of his work as "spewage".

Anonymous said...

how about "espewage"


Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: