Monday, January 22, 2007

Dear Mr. O'Connor

Quit lying and distorting the truth. Afghanistan was not about "retribution", you arrogant ass.

The world understanding about invading Afghanistan was all about hunting down Osama Bin Laden, the alleged mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center. In short, it was about hunting down a suspected criminal, and his allies.

Afghanistan's government at the time was thought to be among his allies, and toppling the Taliban was a fairly obvious consequence. It is notable that in the particular light of capturing Bin Laden and bringing him to some form of justice was conveniently dropped from the right-wingnut lexicon as the attentions of George W. Bush shifted to the oilfields of Iraq, and his wounded pride over an "incomplete" job in 1990.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel free to correct me but I always thought it was Jean Chretien who got us into Afghanistan as a sop to the US for staying out of Iraq. Paul Martin worked out a deal with Hillier that Canada would supply combat troops for one year followed by the reconstruction team. This was "amended" by the neo-con Harper. As for being "invited" into the country the current head of Afghanistan, H Karzai, has almost pleaded with the NATO forces not to withdraw. That is almost like the spider inviting the fly into its parlour.

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