Monday, January 08, 2007

Can't-Do Government

Normally, I expect our governments to be "can-do" organizations. That is to say that when presented with a policy challenge - anticipated or not, that they tackle it as constructively as possible.

The Harper government has been an amazing "can't-do" group. We can't meet Kyoto, we can't be involved in Africa, etc.

Once again, after "making the environment a priority", we find PMSH saying that we "can't" about the environment issues. Of course, why is it that it takes the word of former Prime Minister Mulroney to get PMSH to give the topic priority is another question - who's really running the show here?

"The plain fact is the targets the Liberals set under Kyoto are unachievable," she wrote. "It's taken quite a while to get to where we are. The Prime Minister has said that there is no switch to instantly lower [greenhouse gases] and therefore, time will be needed to reverse the momentum that started under the Liberals and caused by their inaction."

Oh yes, let's blame it all on the Liberals. No, Stephen - you're in power now, it's your job, your responsibility. You weren't elected to keep bitching about how the evil Liberals did all these nasty things, you were elected to do a job - and that job involves solving problems.

For a party that's amazingly quick to demand that we rewrite the rules to suit their standards, one wonders just why they are seemingly unable to be as creative in policy and problem solving as they are in accounting.

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The UCP AGM Resolutions - Part 2

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