Sunday, January 14, 2007

Bush: Pouring Gas On A Fire

I cannot believe this. If BushCo was any more blatant about turning turning the Middle East into a conflagration that will take decades to settle down, I don't know how they'd do it.

Yes, Bush, your threats to invade Iran are sounding only slightly less insane than Ahmadinejad's rantings about Israel.

Invading Iran would be fatal for both Bush and the American economy. Not only is the American economy in no shape to sustain war in yet another country (even if invading Iran turns the two front war in Iraq/Afghanistan effectively into a single contiguous war zone), but Iran is not a nation to be trifled with.

Since the end of the Iran-Iraq war, Iran's been fairly peaceful and prosperous. Although I don't know the current state of Iranian military readiness, I imagine that their army has been substantially rejuvenated after that war - funded by natural resource sales. Add to that a geography that is considerably less controllable than Iraq's...

The second aspect of Iran's position that makes it a very dangerous country to invade is the economic ties with China. Invade Iraq, and you bring China into the mix - China has significant contracts and investments in Iran, and would not be terribly pleased to see the United States messing about with those interests.

However, that point aside, consider invading Iran - a country of some 70 million souls, as compared to Iraq (28 million) or Afghanistan (29 million) - when that country has not exactly been "suffering" from either economic sanctions or military strife for a rather long time.

Iran's president may be a loon, but he's starting to almost look sane alongside a President who seems determined to launch the biggest war the world has seen since the first half of the 20th century.


Anonymous said...

On the 7:00am news today it was reported that Bush will go ahead with his "troop surge". He didn't care if the American public support did not support him nor if Congress didn't support him. This guy is truly a moron and seems to be getting worse.

The Bungle Lord said...

I would really hate to be on board an American aircraft carrier if Iran decides to attack (or counter-attack) the U.S. forces in the Gulf. The 3M82 Moskit, (Nato designation SS-N-22 Sunburn) is a Russian supersonic anti-ship cruise missile designed specifically to go after an aircraf carrier. Guess how easy it is to hide these launchers in the mountains beside the Gulf? Also guess how many of these missiles Russia has sold to Iran over the years.

MgS said...

Well, that's a chilling thought isn't it?

Sadly, I don't think that reality will exactly cause Bush to lose any sleep - I'm starting to suspect that the man is a psychopath.

leftdog said...

WOW! This is amazing - it is very scary.

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