Thursday, January 25, 2007

Can We Afford This?

Our oh-so-clever Gnu Government(tm) seems to think that NATO should try to control the Afghanistan/Pakistan border.

I don't know what's more laughable - trying to "control" a mountainous border region like that, or the rather depressing reality that he's actually talking about committing more of Canada's troops to this debacle.

I wasn't impressed by the notion of arbitrarily expanding our presence in Afghanistan in the first place, and the longer this goes on, the more it confirms my worst fears of it turning into a quagmire that we are unlikely to succeed.

At the millions of dollars a month that this is costing Canadians (not to mention the hundreds of thousands wasted on cheezy photo-op tours of the region by our politicians), we have to ask ourselves if there is a reasonable chance of success in Afghanistan.

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