Monday, January 22, 2007

One Sided "Diplomacy"

So, while MacKay prances about Israel garnering all manner of praise from Israel, he's also blithely ignoring the other half of the Israel discussion, the Palestinians.

Brilliant - and this clown thinks that he can play "neutral broker"? The man is clearly delusional. After the Harper government's punitive response to Palestinian elections earlier this year, and the "Measured Resonse" invasion of Lebanon, the Conservatives have done in whatever credibility Canada may have had with the Arab world in general.

Basking in the glow of Israeli admiration without asking pointed questions about Israeli policy towards the Palestinian people, not to mention the highly questionable West Bank Wall itself leaves the unpleasant impression that MacKay is busy trying to build up his street cred with BushCo.

Whether or not I like the election of Hamas is immaterial. The fact is that the election was as free and fair as any we are used to in Canada. Since western powers have been insistent that Palestinians have "free and fair elections", we do not have a right to act all upset when the results are something we don't like. Deal with it.

Unfortunately, with their roots in single-party Alberta, the CPoC tends to see things in absolute terms. The subtlety and nuance of dealing with foreign powers eludes them. The current "Israel good, Hamas bad" line is just one of a series of stupidities we will have visited upon Canada's good name at the hands of clods who have no idea what they are doing on the world stage.

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: