Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Dear Abbey:

Back here, semi-anonymous commenter "Abbey" writes a real doozy which deserves its own treatment.

Writes Abbey:

You all profoundly misunderstand the Christian position.

Christianity does not preach hatred for LGBT people.

What you call 'orientation' we call temptation.

What you all see as an identity, we see as a behavior.

We are ALL sinners. Homosexual acts are just one sin among thousands - if not millions of others. The fact that many people suffer from this particular temptation is NOT an indication that the 'rules' should be changed.

Note to anonymous: In ancient Greece it was typical for a man to have a wife for procreation and a boy for 'recreation' (pederasty).

Since one of the goals of homosexual activists is to eliminate age of consent laws I can only conclude we are not emerging from the 'dark ages' we are returning to them...

This is so rich in the "getting it wrong" department that it deserves to be taken apart, piece by piece...

Christianity does not preach hatred for LGBT people.

Funny. I keep hearing that, then we get cases like Boissoin, Whatcott or Chandler's Freedom Radio Network popping up after ostensible "Christians" come out and make what amount to "calls to arms" against GLBT people - effectively inciting violence against them. While Christianity may not preach hatred, there is an amazing amount of vile hatred that is committed in the name of Christ. Or perhaps, you'd like to consider the case of Julie Nemecek who was fired from her job ... for being transsexual. Why? Because the so-called "Christians" running her place of employment decided they couldn't control her life adequately. How "loving" and "compassionate" of them.

What you call 'orientation' we call temptation.

What you all see as an identity, we see as a behavior.

Go take some clinical psychology courses on these topics. It's obvious that you think that someone can "just pray away the gay" because it's nothing more than "temptation" and "behaviour" - meanwhile you conveniently ignore all of the evidence that demonstrates that what you claim is "behaviour" (which suggests mutability) does not in fact respond well to therapies designed to provoke change. (Including the often proposed notion of "reparative therapy" as proposed by organizations like NARTH and Exodus).

As Naomi Lakritz's column pointed out, GLBT people no more sat down and "chose" to be what they are any more than you did (I presume that you are quite emphatically heterosexual). In fact, consider the social prejudice that these people face daily, and one would have to suspect that someone would only tread such a path out of a deeply seated necessity. (Certainly, this is true of Transsexuals, and I presume it to be true to a large degree for GLB people as well)

We are ALL sinners. Homosexual acts are just one sin among thousands - if not millions of others. The fact that many people suffer from this particular temptation is NOT an indication that the 'rules' should be changed.

Nice claim, but it neither addresses, nor justifies the topic at hand. Lakritz's column was going after the christianists like Boissoin and others whose acts against GLBT people are outright vicious, and arguably incite others to engage in beatings and worse against GLBT people. The notion of "sin" belongs within a church and a faith community. Why should your notion of "sin" be used to judge and demonize others?

As for "changing the rules", your dogma on this topic merely demonstrates an ongoing lack of understanding (and willingness to understand) the reality that the rational evidence makes clear: GLBT people are still human beings, and generally honest, decent citizens - quite undeserving of the kind of vitriolic attack that Boissoin has made.

Note to anonymous: In ancient Greece it was typical for a man to have a wife for procreation and a boy for 'recreation' (pederasty).

Since one of the goals of homosexual activists is to eliminate age of consent laws I can only conclude we are not emerging from the 'dark ages' we are returning to them...

Let me be amazingly clear about something here. Homosexuality refers to someone being attracted to members of the same physical sex. Pedophilia implies attraction to children. These are not synonyms, and you grossly distort reality when you try to claim that homosexuals are pedophiles. (which is the implication of what you a blathering about)

The claim that homosexual activists want to "eliminate age of consent" laws is patently false, a myth perpetrated by the christianist right in an effort to continue demonizing a group of people.


Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear why she expects athiests like me to put up with this. Exactly why should I listen to, for even one second, the rules of a bronze age religion in the 21st century.

Tell me why the private sexual activities of consenting adults should concern me, without referencing mythological texts. If you (Abbey) can do that, then I might give you more of a listen then the ranting on a streetcorner, wearing a tin-foil hat guy.


valiantmauz said...

Since one of the goals of homosexual activists is to eliminate age of consent laws I can only conclude we are not emerging from the 'dark ages' we are returning to them...

Funny. I thought lying was a sin.

Rev.Paperboy said...

they call it "temptation" because, just like rev. Haggard, many of them are tempted to give in to their natural urges to pursue "teh gay" but lots of cold showers and self flagellation will put a stop to that!

Anonymous said...

The "beliefs" of so-called christians around matters of sexuality is so amazingly stupid that it hardly deserves recognition. For centuries, LGBT people have been trying to get it through the thick skulls of the faithful that sexual orientation is NOT temptation, but an trait that is innate EXACTLY in the realm of heterosexuality and the facts prove it. Problem is, the words that "do not preach hatred against LGBT people" translate into action and the outright disgusting stereotyping put forth by Boisson, many churches and governments, including the United States has lead to the deaths, maiming and break-up of families. Teenagers kicked out of their homes due to "religious freedom", resorting to drugs, prostitution or even worse, suicide. These "christians" bear responsibility for this. They have blood on their hands. That's why we need to keep the focus on it so that it will eventually dwindle into history's cesspool along with slavery and brutality towards women. It is so mind-boggling that these supposedly intelligent people refuse to listen to LGBT people and keep up with the lies around "this sin is no worse than other sins". Bullcrap! Funny, when was the last time the christian coalition lobbied to remove health care benefits from the many adulterers in the evangelical christian community?

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