Thursday, December 18, 2008

Reactionary Conservatism (The Western Separatist Flavour)

[Update 20/12/08]
Well, I'll give WBTA a little bit of credit here - they seem to have dumped Ernie Slump as the B.C. Chair as of this morning.

Well, the organizational fiasco that is The Western Business and Taxpayers Association continues.

Over at Big City Lib, we find more gems from B.C. Chair Ernie Slump.

Guess what ! Greater Vancouver and the Island will not be a part of the New West ! Albertans hate that part of BC as much as they hate your part of the country [Ontario]. Too many free loading NDP'er's and socialists. ! ! ! And: Too many third world immigrants and refugees, the Liberals deliberately allowed into Canada and the west, to overwhelm and destroy the western Canadian Conservative vote.

Wow - regionalism, racism and political polarism all in one place. BCL has another more charming quote referenced.

The amusing bit is WBTA VP Doherty's attempt to defuse the situation:

This letter is in response to the recent comments circulating regarding Ernie Slump. The Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association do not support any offensive remarks and or actions, particularly regarding ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation. David Crutcher and our Council have contacted Ernie to provide him with a forum to explain his comments.

Let me give you a hint, Mr. Doherty. If you want any credibility for your organization, distance yourselves from wingnuts like Slump - fast. It isn't a matter of giving him a 'forum to explain himself' - he's already shown himself to be an extremist willing to advocate murdering those he finds "objectionable". He's baggage - better jettisoned now than later...unless of course, WBTA's objective is to show the world that 'Western Separatists' really are a bunch of crackpots - as opposed to "just" being a bunch of reactionary right-wingnuts.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for the post. I was quite disappointed to learn that Ernie Slump had these views. In the interests of due process however, I thought we should give Ernie an opportunity to explain his purported comments. Had we not followed a fair course of action we would have been as culpable as he was/is.

To clarify, the Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association do not support any offensive remarks and or actions, particularly regarding ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

I appreciate that your have given me an opportunity to respond. I am fairly confident I will have an update for you soon.

MgS, please contact me if you have any comments or questions.

Best Regards
Dan Doherty
Vice President
Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association

Anonymous said...


I wanted to get this out to you guys(you and M.J)this morning. Sorry

Take care

Dear Readers

The Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association has contacted Ernie Slump (BC Chair) for clarification of his questionable comments. Consequentially, Mr. Slump and the WBTA have mutually decided to dissolve the relationship based on incompatible philosophies.

I would like to clarify our position on this matter; our policy is one of inclusion therefore the Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association does not support any offensive remarks and or actions, particularly regarding ethnicity, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

The Western Businesses and Taxpayers Association is not a political party but an association formed to gather information and garner support for a political party yet to be selected.

Warmest Regards
Dan Doherty
Vice President

Anonymous said...

This "WBTA" sounds a lot like the PGIB run by Craig Chandler - especially with David Crutcher at the helm. It will go nowhere beyond an extremist rump.

Anonymous said...

If the WBTA is run like PGIB it will do very well.

I pray it does.

MgS said...

I don't think it matters how "well run" it is - the entire "western separatist" thing has always been a reaction in anger to some political event.

Unless these so-called separatists come up with something beyond temper tantrums over the 'issue du jour', the majority of people simply won't bother with them.

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