Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Nominations For Prime Minister

With Alberta's newspapers - and population, it seems - having forgotten the basics of how our elected government is supposed to work, I'd like to nominate two candidates to replace Mr. Harper and his band of bullies in Ottawa:

Parrots Buddy and Chipper join Calgary Zoo

Two parrots can make just as much pointless noise and mess as a 140-odd Conservative politicians - only the parrots will at least be entertaining to watch...and occasionally the parrots will learn something new.

Anybody think the Calgary Zoo will agree to a straight swap?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps they will change their names to Craig and Ezra????

MgS said...

Would that make them "WingedNuts"?

Anonymous said...

Well, that reich wing replacement that HarperCorp haywired on to the good old Progressive Conservative party aeroplane had a lot of loose wing nuts....

... and now it looks like there is going to be a fracture of that reich wing attachment with a
catastrophic spiral dive, right into the frozen permafrost of Canadian reality.

The question is: WILL HARPER BAIL OUT, OR WILL THE PARTY JETTISON HIM AND HIS BAGGAGE before the CPC crashes and burns??

Anyway, for someone who so strongly believes in
self-stimulation for the economy, maybe he'll soon have a lot of free time for self stimulation, after the Tory insiders finally TOSS THE BIG BULLY OUT.

Of course, Stevie boy and Ezzy the_Rant can fire up the old
divebomber and mount another attack on Canadian values with their fundamentalist fire and brimstone ideology...

Wing nuts Stockwell, Randy White, Larry Spencer, Art Hangar, Big Mommma Deb and Prissy Manning will be fighting over who'll be first to re-enlist.

This is just soooo good. Better than any soap opera script!!

Lovin' it in Edmonton

Anonymous said...

Wasn't that Boission's lawyer? LOL

Anonymous said...

"Anybody think the Calgary Zoo will agree to a straight swap?"

Doubtful, the Calgary Zoo is committed to the Species Survival Project. This is one species you don't want to survive.


Anonymous said...

I don't think the Zoo has enough equipment to dispose of the crap that they would leave behind.

Besides, the parrots have more intelligent things to say; certainly funnier.

Anonymous said...

Chipper - a Troy Parrot?

According to FreaksDominion blog at:


"Mr. Chipeur is a former lobbyist with a history of involvement in Conservative politics in Alberta. He also represented Mr. Day in a civil case in 2001. In January, he was registered to lobby the federal government on behalf of a native band and the Canadian Association of Police Boards.

In 2006, he was named by then-justice minister Vic Toews to the Judicial Advisory Committee for Alberta, which screens potential judges and makes recommendations to the federal government on whom to appoint to bench. His two-year term in the unpaid position ended in October."

Oh damn, my spell checker isn't working.... LOL

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