Thursday, November 30, 2006

Jason Kenney: Ted Morton will respect all Albertans

I heard this clip on the radio during the drive into work this morning, and the first thing that went through my head was "bullfeathers!". Admittedly, considering the fatuous source, I'm not exactly surprised.

No, I don't think that Ted Morton will "respect" all of us at all. In fact, I'd go so far as to suggest that you can expect to be "thrown under the bus" if you are queer, female or a minority.

Remember, Ted Morton is the man who keeps on dredging up his godawful amendments to the Alberta Human Rights code - specifically to enshrine bigotry - as long as the bigot frames in terms of an objection to gay marriage.

I don't know where Morton lands on subjects such as reproductive rights, but given that he's part of the so-called "Calgary School" that is so influential with the Theocons currently trying to govern in Ottawa, I'd have to guess that he sees women's rights and health as "mere special interest groups" - expendable if need be.

Speaking of "expendable", back here, I started to express some concern about the potential for fraud in the current PC leadership race. Well, it turns out that MIA MLA Hung Pham has is now backing Ted Morton.

"So what?" you say? Well, let's not forget that the stench of corruption and rot comes strongly from Mr. Pham's direction. In Calgary, Pham and his people have been linked to misdirection of government funds in a community association, and horrendously ugly little bit of voter fraud during the last civic election. While I'm sure that Mr. Morton will be all too happy to have the votes that Mr. Pham can "arrange" on his behalf, I imagine some of those "voters" will be quite surprised to learn that they voted at all. (And, I have little doubt that they will be equally surprised at how quickly they get "thrown under the bus" by Morton and crew when their votes are no longer important.)

With the thick ties between Ted Morton and the Federal CPoC, I think we can look to the CPoC's policies and actions (such as cutting programs that affect women and minorities) and guess exactly where Ted Morton would head. (Just to further cement the relationship, remember that Vic Toews was openly musing about a federal version of Morton's lovely little enshrined bigotry laws.

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