Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Abbreviated Ezra Levant: Look ... Cows!

Over on Buckdog, we have a fairly gentle trashing of Ezra Levant's latest column in the Sun newspapers. I'd probably have ignored it but for one comment that appeared:

Why is the Western media more critical and skeptical of our own democratic governments than they are of terrorist groups? I ask that and other questions in my Sun column today. What do you think?

Posted by Ezra Levant on October 30, 2006 | Permalink

Apparently, Ezra thinks we should be more worried about terrorists, and less critical of our government:

Our press corps is so cynical and skeptical when it comes to interviewing Prime Minister Stephen Harper or President George W. Bush -- doubting everything and assuming even basic pronouncements to be tricks. But those same tough-as-nails reporters turn into mindless stenographers when they interview a foreign tyrant -- a perfect example being the fawning reception Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad receives.

Ummm...lessee, as a citizen of Canada, I can do what about Iran's current government - diddly squat. In fact, I'd go as far as arguing the Ahmadinejad, nutty as he is, has very little real power in Iran.

On the other hand, as a Canadian citizen, I have a great deal of very immediate interest in questioning every action my government takes. The press does not exist to make politicians happy - in fact, if they are making the politicians happy, they probably aren't doing their jobs very well.

You see Ezra, Canadians have had a chance to watch the Rethuglicans in the United States bully, bash and otherwise demand that the media toe their party line. We see exactly what the fear factor has done down there. While the US government very successfully diverted people's attentions abroad, legislation has been pushed through that erodes civil rights and has incarcerated people for thought crime.

In Canada, we've already seen the Harper government lie to us repeatedly, they have already begun a full on frontal assault on fundamentals of our legal and civil systems (e.g. a 3 strikes law that violates sections 10 and 11 of the charter, and arguable breaches the principle of habeas corpus as well).

So, when it comes to looking at threats to this nation, I don't need to look past Ottawa. Frankly, the propaganda being spewed by random terrorist organizations halfway around the world is quite irrelevant to me - a Prime Minister who is trying to conceal his real agenda is far more relevant. {especially when that Prime Minister is muzzling his caucus and refuses to talk to the "media" because they won't necessarily write nice flattering puff pieces about him}

1 comment:

leftdog said...

"So, when it comes to looking at threats to this nation, I don't need to look past Ottawa. Frankly, the propaganda being spewed by random terrorist organizations halfway around the world is quite irrelevant to me"
YES! Well said!

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