Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Squirming Base

I've said for quite some time that the Theo-Con base in the CPC won't tolerate being muzzled by Stephen Harper for too long.

Earlier this week, It comes out that Garth Turner is being challenged for the nomination to his seat.

It seems that Mr. Turner has become the focus of Charles McVety's wrath over a number of things, but in particular, having the gall to vote in favour of Bill C-38 last parliament. If you have forgotten, Charles McVety is one of the more vocal opponents of Same Gender Marriage. McVety is also involved with other "Christian Lobby" organizations such as Canada Family Action Coalition.

I suspect that this is more or less "on schedule" - the religious "base" in the CPoC is getting itself tied in knots over what it no doubt sees as "inaction" on their pet hobbyhorse issues.

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