Monday, August 07, 2006

It's a Great Agreement ... Right?

Stephen Harper is singing the praises of the ceasefire resolution that the United States and France have hammered out.

I'm beginning to think that Harper had his critical thinking abilities excised when he became leader of the CPC. You'd have to be blind not to recognize the fundamental problem that any "resolution" which does not engage Hezbollah presents.

Quite rightly, Lebanon's government is not terribly enthused by this resolution, which places enormous onus upon the Lebanese government to "control" Hezbollah, while allowing Israel to occupy Lebanese territory.

The complaint that Hezbollah is a "terrorist organization" is moot. When Israel is carpet-bombing Lebanon back to the stone age, who is really the "terrorist"?

In a move that is clearly designed to stir the pot further in the Middle East, Iran has announced that it will expand its Uranium Enrichment program.

Remember, that Hezbollah is heavily backed by the Iranian government, and the US in particular has been pointing fingers at both Syria and Iran since this whole conflagration flared up.

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