Monday, August 21, 2006

One Down...

Charles McVety has abandoned his recent attempt to unseat Garth Turner as candidate in the Halton riding this weekend.

I don't think that this is the last of it, but Garth's own blog makes a couple of comments that hint at the squirming factions lurking beneath the veneer of the CPC's facade:

I was shocked at the swiftness and magnitude of the Righteous Right campaign, and have learned since that it was geared up and set to go some time before I ever knew my own riding would be thrown into nomination mode by the geniuses in Ottawa. McVety even came complete with a young operative who had been volunteering in my office for several weeks
Some people in the Conservative Party this week have criticized me for the ferocity of my anti-McVety campaign, in particular the media and Internet air war. In fact, I got absolutely nowhere at head office when I complained the crusade had local Tory membership lists when that is forbidden under nomination rules. I even heard one higher-up speak of “Dr. McVety” in tones far too reverential for my bruised ears.

Do I think that McVety's gone from the political scene? No. I suspect McVety and his crew will continue to try and find ways to take over the party by rebellion from within. An internal dynamic that is ultimately guaranteed to tear the party apart.

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: