Thursday, August 17, 2006

Conservative Retaliation

Quite predictably, the Conservative government is retaliating against anyone that criticizes them.

This time, we find HarperCrit refusing to acknowledge the World AIDS Conference.

First, Harper made himself amazingly absent from the conference by going on a tour of Northern Canada. Given the classic Conservative mentality towards the primary vectors of transmission for AIDS - sex and IV drug use - this is unsurprising. They view the entire pandemic as primarily a matter of "self restraint" and "consequences for actions". (Ignoring the fact AIDS has been transmitted by other methods such as blood products, accidental exposure and faithful partners who have picked up the virus in some dalliance, of course)

"The government of Canada is strongly committed to the fight against HIV-AIDS and continues to commit a significant amount of money to this issue," press secretary Erik Waddell said by e-mail to Canadian Press. "Our government is committed to doing more in the future.

"However, there are no announcements this week while the issue is so politicized."

So, when the Conservatives criticize something, it's taking a principled stand, and when they are called out for being petty about something, it's "politicizing the issue"? Right, sure.

It's notable that we don't even hear this policy through the Minister of Health, but instead, we hear from a press secretary. Again, you can be quite sure that this is the muzzling of "The Decider (jr)" making sure that his ministers don't slip up. (Come on, this is summer - not like the politicians are swamped by government business - surely the minister responsible is able to speak for such issues.

Of some concern - and quite related to the whole AIDS discussion is the need to extend the exemption under which Vancouver's safe injection site is operating. There had been some hope that the government would choose to announce its decision regarding the Vancouver facility. Instead, the government gave us an indirect bit of insight into their plans:

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who is visiting the North, told reporters Wednesday that the government has not yet made its decision on the program.

"We are undertaking some evaluations, but this government's concentration in the fight against drugs in the next few years will be on enforcement, prevention and treatment," he said.

"Unfortunately, the issue has been so politicized this week that this is probably not the time for us to make additional announcements."

Harper has in the past voiced his opposition to the program.

During an election stop in B.C. last December, Harper said "We as a government will not use taxpayers' money to fund drug use."

So, I'd hazard a guess that in spite of the research that has come out of the Vancouver facility, the Conservative government are going to continue their mindless "get tough with consequences" approach to law enforcement and shut things down. (Something that will please dimwits like V. Toews to no end, I'm sure).

Of course, the Conservatives have made it quite clear that you don't dare challenge them on anything - if you do, they will punish you however they can. In this case, they are going to lash out at their critics in a way that ultimately hurts people that are marginalized to begin with.

Harper's pattern of retaliation against those he perceives to be "against him" has been clear for some time, and is underscored by the childish hissy fit he throws every time he has to deal with media other than those based in Calgary. (Where you can run a bale of hay as a Conservative and get it elected).


Anonymous said...

I loved the _bale of hay_ link, how apropo.


Anonymous said...

I had something to say, but the issue has been so politicized this week that this is probably not the time for me to make additional comments.



Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: