Monday, August 21, 2006

Memo To WarMongers: Clean Up Your Messes!

I wonder if George W. Bush's mother ever told him to clean up one mess before he goes making another, or did she simply call in some servants to do it for him?

His comments today on the Middle East make it quite clear that the man doesn't get it.

While Iraq continues to teeter on the edge of civil war, we have Bush playing into Iran's hands on the world stage - edging closer and closer to open conflict with Iran.

Given that the US invasions of both Iraq and Afghanistan are hardly "finished" business at this point in time - both countries are nearly embroiled in some form of civil war, and likely would be if it weren't for the focus that the occupying armies give the locals.

Says Bush:

"Iran is obviously part of the problem," Bush said. "They sponsor Hezbollah. They encourage a radical brand of Islam. Imagine how difficult this issue would be if Iran had a nuclear weapon.

"So therefore it's up to the international community including the United States to work in concert for effective diplomacy. And that begins at the United Nations Security Council," Bush said.

Interesting plea to the "world community", when the Bush Administration has played a "go it alone" card when the UN doesn't vote their way. I suspect that like many things from BushCo, it's mostly a sop to make the appearance of trying diplomacy before they launch their next war.

Perhaps more ironic is this:

"If we ever give up the desire to help people who want to live in a free society, we will have lost our soul as a nation," Bush said.


And he said the war must be fought in Washington, too, criticizing a federal judge's ruling last week to stop the National Security Agency's domestic eavesdropping program, which was instituted after the 9/11 attacks.

"Those who heralded the decision not to give law enforcement the tools necessary to protect the American people just simply don't see the world the way we do," Bush said. (Full story)

"They see maybe these kind of isolated incidents. These aren't isolated incidents; they're tied together. There is a global war going on," he said.

I see, so a direct attack on the freedoms of your citizens is the price that must be paid for your futile attempts to export the facade of democracy? Freedom and democracy start at home. A government that spies on its people, illegally no less, is not fostering freedom or democracy.

As if to underscore the crumbling legitimacy of BushCo reasoning around their so-called "War on Terror", we find yet another "Terrorism Charge" thrown out of court. The regularity with which people have been held for years, only to find the charges against them thrown out since 9/11 speaks to the effectiveness of the various spying programs and extended powers asserted in the so-called "Patriot Act".

It's high time that America concentrated on bringing order and reconstruction to the disasters it's already fomented in Afghanistan and Iraq. That might do a little to start creating the impression that America actually wants to accomplish something positive in the world.

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: