Friday, August 03, 2007

The Great Uniter ...

Stephen Harper's latest antic is merely another example of the man's narrow-minded partisanship. He had a golden opportunity to start building relations with Newfoundland's Premier, Danny Williams in the wake of recent flooding.

Instead, he arrives to review the damage in secret, without even so much as a phone call to Premier Williams' office.

Harper was scheduled to visit Conception Bay North and the Placentia area in eastern Newfoundland -- communities left partially flooded and heavily damaged by Chantal's strong winds and sudden deluge.

The prime minister was to meet with community leaders before touring the flooded area.

He was joined by federal Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn, Newfoundland's representative in the cabinet and Fabian Manning, the local Tory MP.

Harper is also scheduled to appear at a business roundtable in Moncton, N.B., this afternoon.

Later, he will travel to Egerton, N.S., where he will attend a barbecue hosted by Foreign Affairs Minister Peter MacKay.

I realize that politics is a game of backstabbing and viciousness. However, Canadians must ask themselves if their Prime Minister should be a figure of unification or a figure of divisivness and petty grudges?

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