Thursday, December 06, 2007

Wingnut Daily Feels Left Out

Awww...isn't that cute... Wingnut Daily is feeling snubbed by the presidential candidates.

What do Rudy Guiliani, Mitt Romney, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have in common in this election season of "important differences?"

They all have declined to respond to requests from WorldNetDaily for a few minutes in a telephone interview to answer questions on important issues ranging from terrorism and the integrity of U.S. borders to marriage and abortion.

You gotta know that you are way over in the fringe when candidates start actively ignoring you. It also tells us something about how the religious crowd is losing their grip on US politics.

Of course, Wingnut Daily has to put up a "poll" for the mouth-breathing crowd that hyperventilates at the mere thought that someone doesn't share their religious convictions.

In other news, the folks over at Lifesite are having the vapours over the fact that sales of Pullman's book "The Golden Compass" have spiked in recent weeks. (I have indirect reports that bookstore managers are getting lots of comments like "If it's got the religious crowd up in arms, it must be worth reading" ... )

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: