Sunday, December 09, 2007

Harper The Denialist

The behaviour of the Harper government on the world stage is appalling in so many ways. While Harper struts about Canada's base of operations in Afghanistan, his policy position on other equally vital topics such as climate change seeks not only to undermine the Bali talks, but guarantees a stalemate on the world stage.

Harper is taking Canada from a position of leading the world by example to being a lap dog to Rethuglican American politics.

The argument coming out of Baird and Harper is that Canada should not sign on to any kind of targets on climate change issues unless "the other major polluters" are similarly committed has only a limited amount of traction. It sounds almost reasonable, until you step back from it and realize how horrendously childish it is.

It's like siblings squabbling over chores in the house and one child arguing that they won't clean up their room because their big brother isn't cleaning up his.

Harper's stance on this matter is utterly brain damaged. Canada can lead by example - and historically has done this on the world stage. As a "middle power", Canada will never succeed by playing hardline games. We are, and always will be, a country that fosters consensus and compromise - often by demonstrating that what we are advocating is the right path, morally and ethically. Imitating the "six-shooter diplomacy" of George W. Bush is a short-sighted, mean-spirited strategy that Canada will never benefit from.

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: