Friday, December 14, 2007

And You Expected What?

According to Chandler's latest post on Project Alberta, David Crutcher is going to pack up his marbles and go play elsewhere.

(Calgary) David Crutcher is withdrawing for the Calgary Egmont Alberta Progressive Conservative Party race. Mr. Crutcher has been in communication with the Executive Director of the party, Jim Campbell and asked for some advice, even personal in nature and the party refused.

"I understand that the party's poorly written constitution has no method to pre-qualify candidates and I asked Mr. Campbell to even give his personal feeling on whether I would be accepted as a candidate. All I received back is a passing of the buck and that they do not pre-approve candidates" stated David Crutcher.

Jim Campbell wrote to Mr. Crutcher in response to his e-mail that "It has not been the practice in the past to pre-approve candidates before a nomination and the Executive would have to be assembled for a meeting to treat any such question. I would not presume to say what their decision, or the Leader's, would be". Mr. Campbell also further stated that " While the PCAA lends assistance where required, it does not normally run the process or interfere with the independence of the constituencies"

As if either Chandler or Crutcher would have expected anything other than an elliptical response from PC brass. Even a pidgin knowledge of the party Constitution such as I have gleaned in recent weeks makes it painfully apparent that the party executive is somewhat hamstrung on Crutcher's demand for a "pre-approval", as final approval of nominees happens after the nomination vote at the constituency level.

David Crutcher encourages the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party to change it's constitution, fire it's president and get a new leader, or there will be continued bleeding from the party.

Uh-huh. How typical. The hard-line social conservative like Chandler or Crutcher is a surprisingly thin-skinned creature. As long as they think things are going their way, they are happy. As soon as their plans go awry, they lash out at everyone they perceive to be "to blame", and take oh so little ownership of how their own contribution to the story plays in.

Amusingly, this announcement comes mere days after Chandler starts declaring that he's going to run, along with a small slate of PGIB-affiliated candidates.


Anonymous said...

CraiggieBoy and his Charlie McCarthy-Crutcher dummy should pack up their carpetbags and go back east..

After all, as CraiggieBoy says: If they can't adapt to our laws, they should leave.

And now that Lyin' Brian is busy at the Ethics Committee hearings, Heir Harper needs a good Christian Advisor like Chandler & Co.

Anonymous said...

I actually think that the PC party can't 'pre-approve' anyone for any riding, as this would fly in the face of a 'free and fair' election. Pre-approval of any candidate would immediately void any chance of an election being run without undue influence. I'm probably not stating it the the correct terms but you should get my meaning.

If there was ever a reason for people participating in our system of government and the selection of our representatives this current mess is a good example of what would happen when we become complacent. The wingnuts are still out in the fringes waiting for their opportunity to slip in and start imposing their own agenda.


Anonymous said...

Funny to watch Chandler targetting Stelmach and the PC party. With CraiggieBoy, it's always "My way or I'll sue you, or attack you".

These bullying tactics won't work for a long. When CraiggieBoy starts biting the ankles of the big PC boys, he'll quickly end up being muzzled and shipped off to the vet for corrective surgery. Or maybe the steroid or hormone "cure" he talks about?

MgS said...

Chandler's reference to a "hormone cure" for homosexuality merely demonstrates his fundamental ignorance of the subject in the first place.

A variety of "hormone modification" models have been tried, and they all fail. Why? Because most adult homosexuals are "serum normal" in terms of their hormone levels.

While progesterone has been found to act as a short term sex drive inhibitor, it requires long term use and suppressing sex drive is quite different from altering someone's sexual orientation.

Anonymous said...


Vickie Engel -

MgS said...

Yes, Jim. It's also very odd that so much of her platform appears to be a cut-and-paste from Chandler's platform...

Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: