Saturday, December 08, 2007

Funny or Pathetic ... You Decide

It appears that since Chandler can't get his nomination to run as a Progressive Conservative, he has convinced one of his good buddies to step forward as a sock puppet:

Now, per se, David Crutcher doesn't have quite the same level of nasty personal history as Chandler, but his association with Chandler is public knowledge, and it's similarly quite clear that Crutcher is of a similar mind to Chandler on many issues. (even if he isn't prone to the bullying presentation of his ally).

David Crutcher is asking the Executive and the Premier to let him know in advance before he submits his papers if he would be accepted as a candidate.

"I think what happened to Craig Chandler is appalling and disturbing and I do not wish to go through that humiliation. Craig Chandler should have never been refused as a candidate. I expect an answer right away" concluded Crutcher.

If that doesn't give you a clue as to what Chandler and his buddies are thinking, I don't know what will. It's quite clear that they are trying to set things up to make Stelmach look bad. If Stelmach approves Crutcher, Chandler will run around crying about what a hypocrite Stelmach is, and if he refuses to approve Crutcher on the basis of his association with Chandler, the Chandler Crew(™) will run about crying about how "undemocratic" the PC's are.

"I believe that that the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party is headed in the wrong direction and am choosing to fight from within to make some changes, much like my friend Craig Chandler, tried to do. Like Mr. Chandler I am a believer in Jesus Christ. Like Craig Chandler I also support Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech. I also share Chandler's views on the definition of marriage" stated David Crutcher.

To which I can only wonder if Mr. Crutcher (or Mr. Chandler) believes that his right to free speech or religion entitles him to marginalize others. Or perhaps, they simply believe that their rights supercede everybody else's.

While I have no love for the PCs in their current form, Stelmach would be a complete fool to allow known associates of Chandler to stand as candidates for the PCs. The linkages aren't hard to find, and after the events of the last few weeks, damage to the party's reputation from having such individuals running at all could be devastating at the polls.

[Update 8/12/07]:
I see that the Calgary Herald has picked up this story.

But Mount Royal College political science instructor Keith Brownsey said Crutcher's bid propels the potentially embarrassing political drama forward, and will continue dividing the Tory party.

"It could seem as if it were an attempt to embarrass the Conservatives or the Stelmach government more than anything else," said Brownsey.

"On the other hand, Mr. Crutcher as a Conservative in good standing has every right to run for the party." Calls to party executive weren't returned on Saturday.

This is going to sound harsh, but it's time for Stelmach to purge the party of the cancer of divisiveness. Should he allow Crutcher's candidacy, he will have simply have guaranteed that his party will be torn apart by the vicious infighting that Chandler will push for. Chandler has already made it clear that he is only willing to unite the party by demanding that it go down the path Chandler prescribes.

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: