Saturday, September 13, 2008

Let Me Get This Straight...

So, when there's a chance that something could affect refinery capacity, it's okay to jack the price of gas at the pump over 10%, but we get the song and dance later on when prices soften, we get told that the "higher cost product takes a while to work through the system".

Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. No matter how I slice it something smells here - and it smells rotten. The claim is constantly made that there's no collusion. While it might not be direct collusion, it's still wrong. How many small businesses out there can randomly jack up their prices 10% simply because they believe that there will be a supply problem? Not so many.


Anonymous said...

The ultimate hypocrisy on this issue is that on one hand the NDP wants to raise taxes on gasoline to reduce consumption but on the other hand complains the price is too high.

You can't have it both ways, smilin Jack.

Anonymous said...


Despite having observed numerous times where the price has jumped by greater than 5 cents overnight, (simultaneously at ALL gas stations, I might add) I've NEVER seen the price drop by much more than 2 cents in one shot, usually it is either a single penny or a fraction of a penny.

In an era where these same companies are involved in every part of the extraction, processing, supply, and are posting record high profits, the old tired refrain of the 'market being allowed to govern itself' just does not make any sense. We need a government in power that doesn't have the oil companies dictating policy.


evilscientist said...

Remember kids, the cheaper gas takes months to work through the pipeline whereas the expensive gas goes through the pipeline at the speed of light....

Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: