Monday, September 08, 2008

I was wondering what happend to ...

I was wondering the other day what happened with one Craig Chandler. It seems he has turned up in Collingwood ON, where his family's investment in an ethanol plant has gotten into some hot water.

I see that Mr. Chandler is being the same graceful self that Calgarians are so used to:

Craig Chandler and Crutcher were met by a group of east end residents, many of them from Blue Shores, who repeatedly heckled the PGIB representatives. As they spoke, calls of “go back to Calgary” were heard, along with shouts of “you obviously don’t know what’s going on here.”

Chandler responded angrily to the interruptions. He told the spectators he and Crutcher were there to speak to the media only.

“I’m not the nice Chandler here,” he told the spectators.

What is it with these people? Didn't they ever learn the old saying about catching more flies with honey than vinegar when they were growing up?


Anonymous said...

Chandler has never won a campaign. And he's a big supporter of Rob Anders. Good thing he lost the last election too.

MgS said...

He claims all sorts of victories on his PGIB website.

Anonymous said...

Chandler is the rightful MLA in Calgary-Egmont.

MgS said...

Chandler is the rightful MLA in Calgary-Egmont.

Says who? Certainly not a plurality of those who cast votes last election?

Anonymous said...

Yes Chandler never won Ric McIvers campaign or Jon Lord or Rob Anders or Robb Macissac etc..... HE did more than win he slaughtered.

OR He never won the nomination in Calgary Egmont either.

MgS said...

I'm aware of his involvement in McIver's campaigns. He didn't impress me with his tactics then, and what I've seen since hardly impresses me.

As for his involvement in the others you cite, I can't comment other than to say that neither Lord or Anders rate very high on my list of politicians to admire.

His run at Egmont was a bad joke - first he tries to usurp the riding association, then when it becomes clear to the party what kind of baggage he brings with him, throws a hissy fit and starts threatening to sue everyone in sight.

Brilliant tactician there.

MgS said...

To Anonymous Commenter @ 10PM 10/9/08:

I haven't published your comment because it makes serious allegations but does not substantiate them.

Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: