Thursday, January 26, 2006

Religious Bigotry In Public Schools

Whether or not one agrees with public agencies making mandates like this, it's the reaction of some of the teachers that really irritates me:

Five teachers at San Leandro High School have refused to comply with a school district order to display a rainbow-flag poster in their classrooms that reads, "This is a safe place to be who you are," because they say homosexuality violates their religious beliefs, Principal Amy Furtado said.

Remember, these teachers are working for public institutions. We aren't talking about a private school where they can be openly bigoted (under US law).

It's really too bad when people let their religious "beliefs" get in the way of reality. The issue here is about providing students with access to resources - primarily so that their education isn't disrupted by narrow minded ignorance. The claim that homosexuality "violates their religious beliefs" is about the same as a "young earth creationist" claiming that biology, geology and other sciences violate their religious beliefs - it doesn't change the reality one iota.

Myself, I applaud the San Leandro Unified School District for having the organizational fortitude to stand up and provide active protection for a group of students that otherwise can suffer some pretty horrific treatment at the hands of other students on campus.

I have little, or no patience for bullying of any sort, for any reason. Tacit approval of that activity because one's religion "is violated" by someone else's reality is an utter crock.

1 comment:

huitzilin said...

Yes, bravo to the school district, absolutely. Your point that the school is public, not private, is an excellent one.

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