Monday, January 16, 2006

I said it about Iraq, I'll say it again about Iran

Where's the evidence?

BushCo: Iran's a threat! Iran's a threat!

Yes, Iran's busy trying to build a nuclear power plant - they may even be pursuing nuclear weapons development.

Of course Dragon Lady is in the mix:

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Monday that Iran's latest actions "crossed the threshold" and that the IAEA board should hold an emergency meeting as soon as possible.

She said the United States feared that if IAEA members wait until a scheduled meeting in March, Iran would use the time to further "obfuscate" over any nuclear weapons plans, Reuters reported.

"We just can't let them do that," Reuters quoted Rice as telling reporters traveling with her to Liberia for the inauguration of Africa's first elected woman president.

BushCo only seems to be able to do one thing - start wars.

What scares the heck out of me is that Canada may be about to put a smile on Bush Jr's face that will make Bill Clinton look downright dour (right after Monica...).

At an All-Candidate's forum for Calgary SouthEast on Saturday, incumbent Jason Kenney said something to the effect of "I think it was morally right to remove Saddam Hussein from power, but Canada didn't have the military muscle to participate". (I'll get the exact quote up when I finish transcribing the tape). Apparently, Mr. Kenney thinks it's okay for nations to go invading other nations that pose exactly no threat to anyone. It's the attitude of moral entitlement - "It's my right to tell you what you are doing wrong, and make you do it _my_way_."

Ugly - downright ugly. - and Jason Kenney is apt to wind up with a significant cabinet post should the CPC win next Monday.

Prepare to have Canada's good name in the world destroyed by hitching our wagon onto that of a President whose failures are beginning to make Richard Nixon look like a positively honest broker.


Anonymous said...

With regard to the U.S.A. current interest in Iran, see the following:

-The Bungle Lord

MgS said...

That analysis corroborates my own guesses about Iran.

I suspect that the Republicans are also still feeling a little like Iran gave the US a black eye in the 1979 hostage crisis...

The UCP AGM Resolutions - Part 2

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