Wednesday, January 09, 2008

McCain? You've Gotta Be Kidding

So, McCain came out ahead in New Hampshire?

While McCain is certainly not as completely loopy as Mike Huckabee, I wouldn't exactly call him "good news" as a presidential candidate. McCain has been a staunch supporter of George Bush's grandiose adventures in the Middle East. (Granted, I don't think any of the current lot of Republican candidates see or understand the depth of folly that Bush has committed to in the United States)

At the moment, the more I see of the Republican candidates, the more it becomes apparent that another Republican president will condemn the United States - and the world - to another four years of Bush-inspired war mongering, with possibly the only real difference being that the new occupant of the Whitehouse is likely to be much more articulate than its current denizen.

On the Democrat side, I think that Clinton's win is a good thing. From the polling reports I was hearing about, I was beginning to suspect that she may have "peaked" too soon politically. I'm unsure about both Clinton and Obama as candidates - but that's mostly my limited familiarity with US politics speaking (it's not like we haven't had enough to keep my attentions in Canada lately). A continuing duel between these two candidates will keep the party profile high. A "single candidate" run (e.g. what I suspect may have emerged had Obama won last night would have diverted public attentions away from the Democrats, and effectively hand the "mindshare" over to the Republicans.


Anonymous said...

If it were not prohibited by their constitution, George W. Bush should get a third term for being the best President in the last 50 years.

MgS said...

I can imagine a lot of things that George W. Bush is, and "best president" is not among them ... but you're entitled to your opinion.

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