Friday, November 23, 2007

Talk About No Win

Poor Ed Stelmach. No matter what he does, he loses on the review of Chandler's candidacy.

Rick Bell covered it quite nicely in yesterday's Sun as well.

Chandler has a history - and it's a long, and not very nice looking one. I've blogged about it numerous times in the past.

Stelmach is in an awkward place with Chandler. Refuse to sign off on Chandler as a candidate, and Stelmach will be accused of not respecting democracy, and he will lose a lot of the "Ted Morton supporters" - likely to the Alberta Alliance or Wild Rose parties.

Endorse Chandler as a candidate and the opposition can quite rightly tar Stelmach and his party with Chandler's past history. Whether you are talking about Chandler's tirades against GLBT people, or his insistence that we are all the same stripe of "conservative" that he is in Alberta, Chandler's own past is a political liability.

Not exactly a "win" for the PC's, but the opposition NDP and Liberal parties can certainly make hay out of the decision either way.


Anonymous said...

Craig Chandler is the external personification of the nasty beast called a neo-con. The neo-con wants to take society back to an imaginary perfect world that they think existed back in the 1950s. A patriarchic-al society which suppresses anything remotely sexual, removes rights from individuals, reduces women to the role of lifesupport for a womb, and believes that power is a right of the wealthy. Go for it Chandler, maybe you'll cause some people to wake up and realize what your kind are really all about.

Anonymous said...

Poor Steady Eddie:

Not only does he have to consider the stench of Chandler's baggage contained in the Appendices of the Canadian Human Rights Commission's Minutes of Settlement, and in the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council's decision against his "FreeDumb Radio Nutworks" program.

He also has to consider Chandler's back-stabbing and abusive rumblings directed at Stelmach and other PC MLA's, some of whom he referred to as "garbage" that needed to be taken out. There is a suggestion that Chandler should sit as an Independent after he gets elected under the PC banner. (see the Project Alberta blog)

Guess Chandler is learning the hard way, that if you kick a puppy long enough, it will come back and bite you in the ass when it grows up.

Anyway, Chandler will be more comfortable running for the Wild Rose Klan with missing-link Byfield. These two wild rosebuds
don't smell all that pretty and
they sure are a thorn in everyone's side. Can't wait til these cowboys ride off into the sunset singin' "No Homos on my Range"!

Or, maybe another wide-stance Senator Craig? eeewwwwww!

Ain't the Liberals and the ND'ers lovin' it!

Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: