Friday, November 09, 2007

Precisely What Is Harper Hiding?

It seems that every second day, we are hearing still more smelly stuff about the relationship between Schreiber and Mulroney.

Now, you might look and shrug - after all much of the discussion involves transactions that took place after Mulroney left office. However, that would be unreasonably complacent, in my opinion.

There's two reasons for me taking this position - first, when the matter bubbled up in the House of Commons, Harper responded to the opposition with threats. This makes Harper directly complicit in Mulroney's ongoing campaign of lawsuits and legal threats to suppress any substantive investigation into the Airbus affair, and in particular the role of both Mulroney and Schreiber in it.

Second, for those that haven't been paying attention, Mulroney has positioned himself as "the power behind the throne" in this government. It's no secret that Harper consults with Mulroney on a regular basis, and that several key players "just behind the curtain" are former Mulroney advisors.

Now, the Con$ talk a good game about being "honest", but when we know that there is a significant cloud over the heads of key players that are very close to the PMO, I think Canadians have a right to not only demand, but to get answers to the questions. If Mulroney is playing a role in the Harper government, then the Airbus discussion is every bit as relevant today as it was in 90s.

I suspect that there's more to this picture than Harper or Mulroney want to admit to, and none of it exactly comes up smelling roses.

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