Monday, March 16, 2009

The Peter On Sexual Identity

It's a sad statement when wingnuts like Peter LaBarbera are among the more articulate of their peers.

Today, we have him pontificating on sexual identity.

We disagree on the morality of homosexual acts — plain and simple. I’m a sinner in need of God’s grace, but redefining my sins as part of my “proud” identity would be wrong. That’s how we view the “gay” movement.

This is pretty standard anti-gay rhetoric. In short, LaBarbera is trying to recap the usual "love the sinner, hate the sin" line - and is setting himself up to reveal the innate hypocrisy of his position - which we will come to in a moment.

I’ve known and interviewed too many FORMER “gays” like Charlene Cothran and Yvette Schneider to believe that homosexuality is some fixed, innate identity.

More standardized tripe. But here is also where his argument begins to fall apart. What LaBarbera fails to recognize here is the very distinct likelihood that those who are "successful" ex-gays (e.g. manage to live an apparently heterosexual life) are bisexual.

What LaBarbera is ignoring is that while a handful of GLBT people do manage to live as heterosexuals, the vast majority do not. There is very little evidence that suggests that the ex-gay concept applies to any but a small subset.

As for how your (new) “rights” affect me and those who agree with me, there is ample and growing evidence now that “gay rights” and historic American religious/moral freedoms cannot co-exist. Look at the case of the Christian photographer in New Mexico, who did not want to shoot a [lesbian couples’] wedding and was sued — and lost her case (it’s now on appeal). What about HER right to live by her beliefs? What about the right of an Orthodox Jewish small businessman NOT to subsidize homosexual employees’ relationships if he believes those relationships are based on (an egregious) sin?

The first of these cases falls into the same basic category of law as the case of Scott Brockie in Canada. Once you make an agreement to provide services to somebody, revoking that based on the fact that the client is associated with the GLBT movement is discrimination - pure and simple.

The second case quickly degenerates into an anti-tax argument. Taxes, like all matters relating to money in general, has no moral underpinnings. Money is devoid of either morals or ethics. My tax dollars go to a lot of things I disagree with - that doesn't give me any right to refuse to pay taxes. Period. That principle has been consistent in both Canada and the United States.

I always do interviews with the gay press. If a truly feared or hated homosexuals, I couldn’t do my job as I feel called to do: responding to the many PRO-GLBT [gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender] groups.

Yeah. Sure. What a condescending piece of garbage that is. That's no better than usual bigot's line "some of my best friends are ...". The fact, is that Mr. LaBarbera is working day and night to delegate an entire population to second class status based entirely upon your moralizing, which utterly disrespects the freedom of religion as it applies to the population as a whole.

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