Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Dear Fetus Fetishists:

[Update: 21:20]
And over at "Lifesite", we find them immortalizing the words of various wingnut MPs about Morgentaler's OC appointment.

What is it with you people? Whether or not you like it, Dr. Morgentaler's appointment to the Order of Canada is a reality that most Canadians can respect.

While the bleating from Lifesite is expected, you would think our politicians would be a little more circumspect in their comments:

Still, one veteran Conservative MP deviated from the script.

“I think it's a sorry day when they give that man the Order of Canada … He's not deserving of it. What has the man contributed to this nation?” asked Conservative MP Art Hanger. “Apart from providing a so-called service which I don't believe should be even offered in the nation, but is unfortunately, because we don't have a law governing the taking of life of the unborn.”

When the fetus fetishist movement quits endorsing criminal violence as a tactic, I'll start considering their position more seriously. In the meantime, get your moralizing noses out of other people's lives.

With utterly dishonest politicians like Ken Epp putting forward Bill 'It's Not About Abortion' Anti Abortion C-484, MPs like Art Hanger and Jason Kenney having clear and long standing links to the fetus fetish lobby, Canadians need to be ever the more concerned about just what the HarperCon$ sitting back on, waiting to impose their unique form of moralizing government on Canadians?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Art Hanger and Company would love to see the return of the "good old days" when women were kitchen slaves and brood mares, property of men.

And so what if a few hundred women died at the hands of back yard butchers when they desparately tried to have some control over their own bodies.

God help us if HarperCorp ever gets a majority government!

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