Saturday, July 05, 2008

Antonia Z Says What We've All Been Thinking


Not that those who consider the Order of Canada, to use Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins' term, "debased" now that Morgentaler has finally earned it, care much about women's well-being – except to assert that those of us who have abortions suffer emotionally for the rest of our ruined lives.

Paradoxically, most pro-lifers would accede to terminating pregnancies caused by rape or incest – as if some "unborn children" are more worthy than others.

Abortion, they say, just shouldn't be something women use for retroactive birth control.

Yes, well, that's what we do. Drop round to the clinic every other month for some gut-wrenching pain because it's so much easier than popping the pill. Bad girls.

Better we bear our children in shame and poverty than do what many of the men who impregnated us usually do. That is, go on without any consequence to life, womb and independence.

She also has some interesting updates on C-484. A bill which should never be allowed to pass parliament.

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: