Friday, February 16, 2007

Tough Boy Harper

When I read brain dead crap like this, I keep getting visions of Harper and his bunch doing their best imitation of gangsta:

One who willfully promotes and participates in destructive and self-serving culture in an effort to project a particular image of 'toughness' or to make oneself intimidating. Willingness to blatantly and horrifically misuse English is a necessity, as is a low IQ and sub-par education (or at least the appearance thereof).

While Harper's busy getting all excited over his new "tough guy" image - being rooted on by Bush, he further bolsters his ego (which has inflated at a rate exceeding that of his gut), by trying to slag his opponents:

Mr. Dion "is not just soft on crime," Mr. Harper said. "For the first time in history we have a leader of the opposition who is soft on terrorism."

The Liberal Leader, Mr. Harper said, "is being led by extremist elements in his own caucus."

Wow - coming from a man whose knowledge and understanding of our own legal system is dicey at best, that a real slam, isn't it?

Let's talk about parties and extremists for a moment. First, we have Harper being run by the TheoCons ... and the TheoCons are willing to brag about it!

We have a Prime Minister who has admitted that he wants to stack the judiciary with judges who are political allies. (Note that a judge's job is to interpret the law, not to "interpret the law as Stephen Harper would like")

Lurking within his party organization, we have Jason Kenney, Rob Anders, Darrel Reid. This is a man who listens to the insane rantings of Gwendolyn Landolt, and he's accusing Dion of "extremism"?

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