Monday, February 12, 2007

Misconstruing Reality: Followup

I don't always get the opportunity to follow up on a story, but a comment posted here resulted in a bit of an e-mail exchange with Jeremiah, the young man who hosted the oh-so-controversial seminar on transgender life at a Maine high school.

He has kept a very close watch on the commentary and reactions from the various wingnut groups that have been screaming about his seminar.

From the Maine Christian Civic League:

Article #1
Article #2
Article #3
Article #4
Article #5

From An Outfit Called "MassResistance": This

From columnist Lee Duigon at "": more spewage

I can only say that the closed minded hostility of these people violates everything I have ever understood Christianity to be about.

Mercifully, the following supportive letter was published in the Kennebec Journal. It seems to me that young Ms. Thurston is far more in touch with reality than the screaming wingnuts...and more rightly can call herself Christian.

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