Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Misconstruing Reality

Once again, the geniuses over at Lifesite are picking up on stories without actually checking facts. This time, it's by way of a link to this story about a diversity day seminar at a high school. It seems that one of the workshops presented was about transgender life by a senior/graduate student.

Following a bit of linkage from within the article, I found this thread on the Christian Civic League of Maine website. The gross abuse of reality in this thread is quite astounding.

I was truly disgusted at the Cony High School events that included glorifying transgenderism. What is worse, they use a teenager, barely able to make her own moral decisions, to prove their case?? It is illogical, irresponsible and immoral what happened there on Monday.

If you read the article Lifesite has linked to, you would think that this had something to do with teaching students "how to be transgender" (how one teaches such a thing is a bit of a mystery to me). Of course, reality is a whole other picture, as we find out in a local news story:

Nazarkewycz's compelling story about life as a transgendered person was one of several at the day-long annual event meant to instill Cony students with acceptance and tolerance of people who may be different in one or more ways. It also was a chance for students to learn about other cultures, religions and ways of life.

Oh...reality strikes again. There was a lot more going on than just that one workshop:

Several local religious leaders answered questions about their beliefs in a forum featuring representatives from faiths including: Catholic, Buddhist, Seventh-day Adventist, Mormon, Islam, Methodist, Jewish, Spiritualist, and Apostolic.

Each participant, lined up next to each other on the auditorium stage as students looked on, was asked whether their religion believed in a higher being, where their religion originated, and whether their religion believed in judgment.
Other presentations included Paul and Bob Vachon talking about growing up French in Augusta, Pakistani dance with student Hanna Sher, a presentation on sign language led by three students, and presenters on holistic living, Latin dance, living with autism, sexual harassment, the civil rights movement in the 1960s, and American Field Service with local AFS representative Larry Ralph and students from foreign countries.

Uh huh...suddenly the wingnut crowd starts to look a little silly don't they? So much for their bogeyman of "indoctrination".

1 comment:

Jeremiah E. Nazarkewycz said...

As the one who presented that workshop at that High School, you have no idea how far these "wingnuts" are taking it.

Jeremiah Nazarkewycz

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