Wednesday, February 07, 2007

That Would One Serving of Compassionate Conservatism

I cannot believe this ruling.

I don't know what the rules are around refugee claims for someone who is claiming persecution based on sexual orientation, but the following argument from the Immigration Review Board member that heard the case is just amazingly stupid:

But Deborah Lamont, the IRB member who heard his case via video-conference from Calgary, didn't believe Mr. Orozco was gay because he wasn't sexually active during his teen years, and wasn't clear about his sexual orientation when he fled Nicaragua at the age of 12.

Waitasec, I wasn't exactly "sexually active" in my teen years either. That didn't render me a eunuch!

My god, what kind idiotic stereotypes does Ms. Lamont have stuck in her head? That homosexuals behave one way, and the rest of the world behaves completely differently? Somehow, the fact that the child had doubts about his sexuality at the age of 12 (who doesn't have questions at that age?!)

Just in case someone thinks that the young man involved would "just go back to a normal life" in Nicaragua:

In Nicaragua, a 1992 amendment to the penal code criminalized same-sex relationships, and the law is vague enough that individuals campaigning for gay rights or providing sexual health information could also be prosecuted, according to a 2006 Amnesty International report.

Now, if Ms. Lamont had consulted a few mental health professionals that specialize in sexuality, she might have learned a thing or two about human behaviour. As it stands right now, I'd say she needs a new humanity filter installed - hers is clearly clogged with misconceptions and stereotypes.


Anonymous said...

One could make a convincing argument that a lack sexual experience in a macho culture would lead to exactly this sort of discrimination. "He doesn't have a girlfriend - he must be gay".

But your point is well taken. As someone who didn't have any sort of girlfriend for a long time, I'd hate for it to be used as evidence of asexuality.


Anonymous said...

I just posted a diary with a different angle on this story on Pam's House Blend.

Stephanie, in Victoria

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