Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Of Images and Spin

The spin machine in CPoC headquarters must be turning over faster than the engine of a Formula 1 race car these days.

In a desperate attempt to appear "green", the CPoC has been resurrecting programs they cancelled a few short months ago, and suddenly are promising to spend money (especially in Quebec...) on "environment" programs.

Meanwhile, the squirming mass of TheoCons that Harper's been trying to keep hushed up are flexing their muscles within the party:

Conservative Party of Canada Rejects Nomination Bid of Well Known BC Social Conservative...leads off with:

Harper challenged to stop allowing "outrageous muzzling" of right of social Conservative to participate in process

A couple of days later, we find SoCon Stilwell Now Allowed to Run for Conservative Nomination, Thanks LifeSiteNews.com.

...just in case you thought that the sudden greening of Harper was something other than the zombie-like rot that a slab of meat takes on after a few days.

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