Sunday, February 18, 2007

Harper Is (ab)Using Our Troops

Via The Galloping Beaver, we find that Harper has (to no great shock) been using the Afghanistan mission largely for his own political ends.

“Our soldiers, men and women who go over there, know full well when they go over there that not all of them will return.”

While there is a truth value to what Harper has said, he's basically saying that he doesn't give a damn about our troops and what happens to them, as long as it helps fulfill his political ideals.

Meanwhile, we find General Hillier playing partisan politics. While Hillier is certainly entitled to his opinion, he seems to have lost sight of the fact that he is a public servant, not a politician. Instead of being an advocate for his troops, and ensuring that their needs and interests are looked after, we find Hillier playing at partisan sniping:

"Over the past one to two years, we have begun to fully realize the immense, the negative impact of the defence expenditure reductions in 1994 and the lasting, almost negative legacy that they brought into effect that has to be put right," General Rick Hillier told the annual meeting of the Conference of Defence Associations.

I'm sorry General, but I think you've just stepped out of bounds here. I don't object to your opinions, but you are not accountable to the people per se, and therefore should remain very circumspect with regards to your commentary with respect to the policy of governments present or past.

Harper's comments, along with Hillier's are demonstrative of a government that is hell-bent on politicizing just about every aspect of government activity - including institutions that exist to protect the people from the predations of our politicians - the courts and now the military.

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: