Sunday, December 03, 2006

Votin' Against Morton

As of the results on CBC's midnight newscast, Morton is coming in third place during the first choice ballot counting. Dinning is in first place with some 40,000 votes in his favour, and Stelmach holding with about 35,000 or so.

The good news (at least in the short term), is that about 70% of the party voted against Morton. (Morton's backers will no doubt claim that the 30% of the party he represents means that the party should swing dramatically to the right.)

My guess is that the majority of Morton's supporters have picked Stelmach as their second choice, or they put nothing down, since Dinning seemed to be anathema to this lot (I'm going to imagine that most people put a second choice in, but a few might not have).

My bet is that it will be Stelmach who takes over Ralph's old job.


Anonymous said...

I really hope that the Crystal Ball is right on that prediction!!


Anonymous said...

Update!! Your Crystal Ball was bang on!! Ed Stelmach has been chosen as the new leader.


Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: