Friday, December 22, 2006

Broken Pope...Record...Whatever

I see once again that Pope Ratz is taking the seasonal opportunity to bitch, moan and bash people he chooses not to understand.

Pope Benedict spoke out on Friday against legal recognition for unmarried couples and "dismal theories" on the rights of gays to marry which he said stripped men and women of their innate sexual identity.

Holy crap! What an amazing screed of illogic. Sexual identity has so little to do with marriages or legal recognition of "common-law" couples it's not even funny. Perhaps the Pope would like to return to the days when marriage was a property transaction? Does he not recognize that the legal recognition of common-law relationships benefits the children of those relationships?

The Pope said granting legal recognition to unwed couples was a threat to traditional marriage, which required a higher level of commitment.

But he saved his strongest words for those who suggest gay couples should be put on the same level as a husband and wife.

"This tacitly accredits those dismal theories that strip all relevance from the masculinity and femininity of the human being as though it were a purely biological issue," the Pope said.

Theories "according to which man should be able to decide autonomously what he is and what he isn't," end up with mankind destroying its own identity, he said.

Recognizing the reality of common-law couples is called being practical. They happen, and children are born into these relationships. The change comes out of a recognition that when those relationships fail (and like all human relationships, they do from time to time), the spouse and offspring have a right to a reasonable division of the property. This protects children ... period.

As for the Pope's pronouncement on "
theories that strip all relevance from the masculinity and femininity of the human being
", he's so far off in left field it's not even funny. He's making pronouncements that disregard, or even attempt to discredit, the changes in understanding of the diversity of human behaviour made in the last 100 years.

The Pope's declarations only serve to illustrate why the Church has become more and more irrelevant among the educated parts of the world.

Merry #!%@#$'ing Christmas, Pope!

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