Sunday, December 24, 2006

Dear Ezra: STFU

Someone take away Ezra Levant's access to published media.

In his latest screed, we find Ezra spouting off on how the Liberals are all wrong about human rights - especially, it would seem, where China's concerned.

Let me put it in perspective for you Ezra: Canada is to China as a mosquito is to you - ignored mostly, and going to come out far worse for it if you decide to swat it.

PMSH is the one who doesn't get it where China is concerned. The Chinese are not impressed by some moron who comes strutting around with their chest puffed up and acting "holier than thou". They never have been. Chretien "got it" where China's concerned - he played to what the Chinese wanted, and quietly exerted background pressure to open markets and society - far more effectively than PMSH's recent APEC performance will affect anything.

Compared to where China was at 50 years ago, they've come a huge distance - in small steps. It was the blinding disparity between continental China and Hong Kong that opened their eyes to the differences in the 1980s.

If someone needs to "change" their approach, it's Stephen Harper. The man's borrowing his foreign policy from Washington, and in case someone hasn't noticed, it's been a miserable failure overall. Coming from a nation the size of Canada, that particular approach borders on bad comedy.

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