Friday, December 15, 2006

Innovation - Conservative Style

With a government focused on a testosterone-laden program of military engagement, we can expect to see less of headlines like this:

Canadian scientists reverse diabetes in mice

and more headlines like this:

Ottawa won't back Canadian-built Mars rover

Mind, when your government is going after important issues when past leaders start saying they are important, you know that the government simply has no concept:

Mulroney's correct on enviroment, says Harper

So, let me get this straight. Scientists have been putting forth an ever growing body of evidence that says that climate change is a serious problem. Harper ignores this until Unca Brian opens his yap and tells Harper he's missing the boat?

In my view, this is yet another example of how utterly clueless the Harper government really is. They do not understand that a lot of real "research and innovation" simply cannot "succeed" in the "open market", and requires fostering at all levels. Canada has been a leader in robotics since the 1970s, and has built that expertise up over thirty years - this ESA contract is merely a reflection of Canada's successes in other areas - such as the "Canadarm" on the Space Shuttles.

1 comment:

evilscientist said...

This will probably have the same effect as when the Tories canceled the Avro Arrow. The ESA will get Canadian know-how for building the rover, but it will be because they'll hire away the best scientist, engineers and technicians from the Canadian companies the Tories have snubbed. Again the Canadian aerospace industry will suffer for years because of Tory shortsightedness.

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