Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Put Them Out Of Our Misery

So you want to fall on the Afghanistan Sword, Steve? Fine.

It's time to take this government down - hard.

The campaign won't be about Afghanistan. It will be about your abuses - lying about detainees in Afghanistan; mishandling the Chalk River file; Muzzling Environment Canada researchers; Defunding programs that benefit women and minorities; non-policies on major files like the Environment. Oh yes, let's not forget his pledge to make government "more open, honest and accountable" - so far all three attributes have been eroded under PMSH.

There's lots to work with. (Even Sun newspaper columnists are picking up on the dishonesty of the HarperCons)

Harper has tried to make everything odious a "confidence" motion, trying to choose the ground upon which his government will fall.

It's time for the opposition parties to take a stand. Harper has shown us his colours, and its time for Canadians to remove him from power.

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