Friday, February 08, 2008

Harper's Scared of Having To Budget

In the last few days, we've seen so many attempts by the HarperCons to trigger an election before they have to table their second budget.

Attempt number one was the asinine little hissy fit over bill C-2 and the Senate - one which was filled with as many lies and half-truths as the lowest of Mulroney's speeches in his later years in office.

Today, Harper makes a vote on Afghanistan a confidence motion.

Van Loan said Harper presented Dion with an advanced draft of the motion during their meeting on Tuesday, saying the Tories were open to amendments, so long as they fall under the broad parameters of the Manley report. He said Dion did not submit any.

Uh-huh. Meanwhile in the house, we have the HarperCon$ referring to the opposition as "The Taliban Information Service" - hardly the kind of language that encourages any kind of negotiation.

Frankly, bringing the government down on Afghanistan is fine with me. The opposition then has to play hard on the plethora of lies, deceit and arrogance that the HarperCon$ have made their modus operandi during the last 2 years.

Personally, I think Harper is doing everything he can to avoid tabling a budget in the House of Commons, because he can't table anything that is going to look very good - especially with so much of his government's ego tied up in his "Adventures in Foreign Occupation".


Anonymous said...

The greatest danger of having Parliament falling on the issue of Afghanistan is that the issue is very divisive within the Liberal party and will cause Dion to ultimately to fall if he votes with his conscience. It is also very divisive within the populace of Canada. No one in their right mind wants people to die, but our troops are going over there, voluntarily to serve what they believe is the good fight. Maybe not everyone in Canada believes in that but that is the right of every person to believe what they will.

The second thing is that Harper will cover himself with the Flag, trumpeting his 'patriotism' and 'support' of the Afghanistan mission and our troops, who in reality are nothing more than flesh & blood pawns on the International gameboard in this War against Terrorism. Our nation has had a history of being patriotic and supportive of our armed forces and this could be played to Harper's advantage.

If the Harper government is to fall through non-confidence have it done over the budget, an issue that reflects the realities of our country's current state. Harper has been hiding behind the smoke & mirrors of the current booming economy, which hides a massive debt that has never been properly addressed, yet the Conservatives have been cutting taxes in an effort to buy votes, then cutting funding to departments to the detriment of our social net and general future and to the favour of private industry.

Sorry, I'll pay my taxes, just don't waste it on pet projects to curry favour or buy your golden parachutes back into the private sector.....


Anonymous said...

Trying to trigger an election to avoid tabling a budget makes sense. I was thinking that maybe the impending trouble John Baird is getting into over interference in the Ottawa municipal election -- the RCMP have questioned him twice already -- might also have something to do with it.

One of the things that hasn't happened to Harper yet is some version of the Adscam corruption scandal that gave him so much ammunition against Martin's Liberals. He could be terrified of something like it being turned on him, and wants to get into election mode before it breaks.

MgS said...

He could be terrified of something like it being turned on him, and wants to get into election mode before it breaks. the words "Chalk River" mean anything to you, or perhaps "muzzling Environment Canada researchers"?

I say hoist the man on his own words about accountability and transparency of government.

Anonymous said...

Chalk river works for me. That doesn't even include the mess they made in the Environment department last year to fund their toothless 'clean air' bill. Haven't heard much about that lately....


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