Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Guest Editorial

In regards to the developments in the Conservative nomination war over Calgary West, one of my regular readers sent me a rather enjoyable tirade:

On the evening news last night was an item concerning the "review" of the procedures followed to re-elect Anders. Apparently the matter was in court yesterday with the Federal CPC's delaying the review. Their lawyer was Gerry Chipeur, a far right Con and someone I have come to heartily dislike. Apparently the Federal Party feels that if the review was held right now then certain "matters" would have to be disclosed which the feds would rather not disclose. So the matter has been put off until 20 October.

Sounds to me that the CPC is not interested in democracy which is much like the Klein P.C's. Also, there is a considerable degree of arrogancewhich is typical of the current batch of cons. Anders is an insufferable prig as it is, should his recent renomination be held to stand up then he will become even worse. Frankly this should be brought before all Canadian voters so they can see what sort of MP's they are electing.

The whole thing is disgusting. Its civic parallel is the Ward 10 shenanigans where the PC's tried to pull a fast one and some nice people have ended up in court, some facing criminal charges . And in this one, Klein said there was no need for a public inquiry. OK Bronconnier was no better.

No wonder the public views politicians as worse than used car salesmen.

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