Thursday, October 26, 2006

Dear Stephen...


Says our Prime Minister:

"Canadians elected this Parliament - not just the Conservative party. They expected all parties to be tough on crime," Harper said as he left the House of Commons on Wednesday.

No, I don't think crime was a top issue last election, you arrogant halfwit. As I recall, the last election tended to center around honesty and integrity of government - none of which you have delivered since you took office.

Getting a little more on topic, here's a synopsis of the amendemnts:

Under the amendments adopted at committee, house arrest - formally known as conditional sentencing - would still be ruled out for serious violent and sexual offences.

But judges would retain discretion to impose non-jail sentences for most property crimes, including auto theft, breaking and entering into private homes and some kinds of robbery.

So, the problem here is what? Oh, I see, we still allow house arrest for property crimes. For the more serious crimes in our criminal code, the option has been removed. Sounds like a compromise to me. (Besides - tossing every miscreant in society into prison does little more than expand the prison population and the police state - not my first choice in a free society)

Besides, it's about time that the CPoC minority government started to be held to account for some of the bullying bullshit tactics.

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