Sunday, July 30, 2006

Blaming the Victims

Today, we learned that Israel killed a large number of Lebanese civilians by bombing an apartment block into a pile of rubble.

The bombing itself makes me furious on a number of levels, but my blood boiled when I heard this:

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert expressed "great sorrow" for the airstrikes but said Hezbollah was to blame for using the area to attack Israel

This, combined with statements I heard on the radio where Israel was trying to defend its actions by claiming it had warned civilians in the area to "get out" for some time. Of course, what Israel doesn't mention in this is the fact that Israeli aircraft have been bombing roads into non-existence, and attacking civilian cars when they've been spotted on those roads. Makes it a little difficult for civilians to "get out of the area", I should imagine.

The "blame the victim" strategy is beginning to make me very angry. It's like the old rapist's defense - "she was dressed provocatively". It's a complete crock of shit. Israel knows damn good and well that it is bombing civilian populations. Every time they do it, the claim is made that they have "credible intelligence that Hezbollah fighters are present". I'm getting terminally pissed off with Israel making such claims - they have yet to put forward any kind of proof of those allegations, and ultimately civilians are paying the price for Israeli heavy handedness.

Then, in justifying their actions, Israel points to Hezbollah rockets that are being lobbed into Israel. There's an old saying about two wrongs don't make a right. It seems to me that Israel has forgotten that childhood lesson.


Anonymous said...


Like your Blog,
Keep up the good work and so far agree with your outlook,and great observation of events.....

Anonymous said...

The _intelligence_ is proven using the following logic (paraphrased from a recent broadcast). "We know that the area was a haven for terrorists because now that we have bombed them they are not there anymore".

Kinda reminds me of an old joke about somebody trying to sell an Elephant Repellant, when the potential buyer remarks that there isn't any Elephants around the huckster says "See, it works"


Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: