Tuesday, July 04, 2006

It's All About Priorities

So, in the last day or two, quite a few little tidbits have come to light in the news:

1. North Korea tests short and long range ballistic missiles, and threatens the United States with Nuclear War

2. Iran digs its heels in on a UN deadline

3. CIA shuts down bin Laden search unit

The capsule summary - The war on terror isn't about capturing the terrorists. While a country like North Korea claims to have nuclear weapons, and is actively testing delivery systems that could present a serious threat to the United States and its allies and neighbors, apparently it's much more important to shut down Iran's nuclear research program.

So in short, what is really being said when Bush talks about "The War on Terror"(tm), he's really talking about the war to control Middle Eastern oil reserves; National Security isn't about foreign threats to the United States, it's about securing oil reserves, and suspected criminals like bin Laden are allowed to run free, because without a publicly visible adversary, the whole charade falls flat on its ass.

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