Saturday, July 15, 2006

WhackJobs Awaken!

With recent events in Israel looking distinctly like that region is about to descend into open war again, the "Waiting for Rapture" whackjobs are practically having orgasms.

Sometime last year, I started writing that BushCo was far too interested in the biblical apocalypse for us to assume that their foreign policy was either mere American self-interest or benign indifference. Needless to say, the American response to recent events in Israel could hardly be called "conciliatory" - or helpful.

Just for giggles, I started yesterday with BushCo complaining about the "slow pace" of diplomacy with Iran - well, more or less on schedule, we get Israeli Intelligence claiming that Iran is providing direct military assistance to Hezbollah. This may or may not be true - since it's coming out of the secretive intelligence world, I'm going to be a little cynical and suspect that this is being made public for political reasons.

Whether the current eruption of violence in the Middle East is the prophesied "end times" is a matter of perspective. Celebrating war is something altogether different - and something that is just plain creepy.

[Update 14:00]:
It appears that the link to Rapture Ready has been excised by the admins. If you want an idea how nutty these people are, check out some of the topics here.

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Why Dems Can’t See Through Fascism

This morning, I awoke to hearing an interview of Senator John Fetterman on the radio.  It was this interview: